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Is Cottage Cheese Good to Eat When Pregnant


"I can eat cheese? Are you kidding? Cheese has so MUCH fat!" I often hear this from clients when I suggest cheese as a healthy snack . I love cheese and eat it almost daily. The more the better - fresh ricotta, truffle, and goat's milk Gouda are some of my favorites. Where did America get the idea that cheese is a bad food? ![+++inset-image-left

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In the '80s, prevailing wisdom was that you should avoid fat at all costs to stay healthy. As a result, many low-fat foods emerged, including low- or nonfat cheese. Unfortunately, this perception has not gone away, reinforcing the idea that cheese is a guilty pleasure. **

Cheese does contain fat, but more importantly, it has protein and calcium. It also helps you feel full. Eating two ounces of cheese a day (nice-sized chunks) can be a great snack when eaten along with a piece of fruit. If you were to eat only low-fat foods, you'd probably feel pretty unsatisfied, which could lead to overeating and weight gain. Eating food with fat in moderation is enjoyable and goes a long way in fending off hunger.


Choosing cheeses


To celebrate my love for cheese, I decided to visit Andrew's Cheese Shop in Santa Monica, CA. Andrew Steiner is a true cheese connoisseur who is knowledgeable about every type of cheese.


Andrew told me about some of the most popular cheeses he sells, and I got to sample a few. I loved Cabot Clothbound Cheddar which comes from 330 family farmers in Vermont and has existed since 1919. This cheese won Best in Class in the 2010 World Championship Cheese Contest, and after a single bite, I had no doubt why! Another popular cheese is Boschetto al Tartufo, which is a tasty blend of cow and sheep's milk combined with truffle from Florence, Italy. Even one small bite was amazingly satisfying.


Grass-fed versus corn-fed cheese**



]( M-114743.html)I asked Andrew about grass-fed cheese vs. corn-fed as this essential fact determines the type of fat you are eating. Cheese from grass-fed cows or sheep is higher in omega 3-fats (the kind that fight inflammation in the body). Cheeses made from corn-fed cows contain higher levels of omega-6 fats (which increase inflammation). Artisan specialty cheeses are almost entirely grass-fed, where as packaged cheeses from large companies are corn-fed.


My "ah-ha moment" was learning that it is a misconception to avoid raw cheese and that pasteurized cheese is completely safe. In reality, dry, raw, hard cheese that has been aged for four months contains no pathogens. The only pathogen that can occur in cheese - listeria - does not occur in aged cheese. There has not been even one documented case of it! With soft cheese it is a little different as listeria can live more easily in a wet environment. Should you avoid soft cheese because of this? Few cases of listeria have been documented, and unless you are pregnant it is not discouraged.


Lactose intolerant?**


What if you are lactose intolerant ? Since the lactose in cheese is fermented, hard cheese may be a safe place to start. Parmesan Reggiano contains hardly any lactose and testing a small slice is a good way to see if you can include some in your diet.


So what ABOUT the fat?**


Cheese does contain saturated fat. However, studies show the real villain is trans fat, which increases heart disease by at least 35 percent. Trans fat is in processed packaged foods, a far cry from great cheese. Soft cheese has the benefit of having less fat. Since fat in cheese is measured in the "dry matter," soft cheese has far less fat than hard. Soft cheeses include goat and feta.


If you like cheese, eat some daily. Have a reasonable portion and savor it. Just like processed food, the low- or nonfat cheeses have been altered in some way and in my opinion are not worth the bite. Eat specialty Artisan cheeses to ensure you are eating those with omega-3 fats. Having a taste of Vermont or Italy every day is a wonderful thing!



]( CROP MINI-114221.html)Susan B. Dopart, M.S., R.D., C.D.E. is a Los Angeles-based Nutrition and Fitness Consultant and Author of A Recipe for Life by the Doctor's Dietitian and blogs for the Huffington Post. You can find more information at or follow Susan on Twitter @smnutritionist**


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SELF has selected four of the top nutritionists from around the country and now it's your turn, readers, to help us choose who's next. They'll blog about every bite they eat and share their nutritional know-how all month long. The R.D.s will take turns blogging from May 16-June 10. Vote for your favorite!**



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Is Cottage Cheese Good to Eat When Pregnant
